Act Now or Forever Hold Your Breath

The Campaign for Smokefree Air is excited to announce an intense six week grassroots effort to get our lawmakers to finally pass a comprehensive smokefree bill.

We want to hear from you!  After you have called, emailed or contacted your lawmakers, drop us a line using the comments section below.  Tell us your nameemail (it will not be printed) and let us know how you took action!

156 responses to “Act Now or Forever Hold Your Breath

  1. Rep. Joan Bauer is my house member and told me that she not only supports smokefree air, she sponsored the comprehensive bill, HB 4341!
    -Matt, Lansing

  2. I’ve made my phone call and my lawmaker just doesn’t get it. Rep. Pavlov continues to vote against smokefree air but that won’t stop me from contacting him again. Keep it up.

    Emmett from Marine City

  3. I contacted the office of Rep. Pete Lund via phone asking that he support a comprehensive bill for smokefree air.

  4. I’ve contacted my lawmakers to make Michigan a smoke free state. Smokers don’t realize that they’re not just harming their own health, but everyone around them.

  5. I contacted Senator Gilda Jacob and Representative Vincent Gregory’s offices. Smokefree air is not just a statement for me…it is an integral issue with me. I have watched my mom die because of cigarette smoke. My sister and I both have Asthma due to cigarette smoke. I don’t want other’s go through the same thing. Let’s stomp out smoke now!

  6. I spoke with my representatives office (Hugh Crawford) and was fortunate enough to speak with “Jeanette” who did some research and brought me up to speed.

    The bill passed at their level, but the casinos carry too much weight and the almighty dollar rules:

    – Stalled in the Senate
    – To further pass contingencies need to be made
    – The Senate wants an “all or nothing” bill in order to pass

    Bottom line, no movement without concessions due to the casinos and tax revenue…

    bla bla bla

    So, feedback on what we do next?

  7. I have contacted my local senator, but i am preparing to increase my efforts as I am tired of being in the last two states in the Mid West too ignorant to pass a smoking ban. I deserve to not die from others bad habits! They now ban drunk driving where it used to be acceptable, why is smoking any different?

  8. I took action and contacted Rep Chuck Moss’s office. He supported the House bill. His office told me things are now held up in the Senate. As a family we have stopped going to restaurants and bars which allow smoking. I know many of our friends are doing the same thing. Smokefree air is not only a good health decision, it’s a good business decision.

  9. I emailed my Representative and Senator – they both support the issue!

  10. Kristina Pepelko

    I contacted Representative Lisa Brown and asked her to please support a comprehensive smokefree bill.

  11. I sent an email to Wayne Kuipers and Mr. Haveman. including my personal plea.

  12. Patricia Bernesser

    I call my state rep and left a message to vote for a comprehensive no smoking ban for the work place which includes bars and restaurants! Thank you for your work to pass this law!!

  13. I’m a 100 percent behind this, but why are we targeting the House? The House passed a smoking bill back in May, and the Senate, Mike Bishop actually, refuses to move on any smoking bill.

  14. I posted this on my facebook profile.
    Calling ALL Michigander’s—-
    The Act Now or Forever Hold Your Breath grassroots campaign starts today!
    Call 888-NOW-I-CAN
    to be transferred to your State Representatives office and tell them you want smokefree air now. I will because I want to see my children’s children grow.

  15. I notified my Rep. and my Senator. I will continue to suppport this effort until we are successful.

  16. I sent what I thought was a compelling email pleading with my legislators to vote and suppport a comprehensive non smoking bill.

  17. Today I emailed Mr. Brown and Mr. Spade and told them we want SMOKEFREE AIR in MICHIGAN. It can harm our hearts and lungs and we should be able to breathe SMOKEFREE AIR. I also thanked them for reading my email. Then I forwarded the message about SMOKEFREE AIR to all my family.

    Please join me in praying that our representatives soon pass this important bill for our health.

  18. So how long does it take our Michigan government to pass a smoke free ban??? I called Sen. Jacob and she sounds as upset as i am. She has sent me after Mike Bishop 1-877-924-7467, he needs to bring this issue to a vote. The stop gap is the casino’s and cigar bars… whatever, lets pass this thing! call Mike, he want to be the Michigan Attorney Genral.
    Like many this is an important bill to me, I lost my wife at the young age of 42 to breast cancer, I will always fight! If you would like to get involved join me with Team in Training, we will make a difference!

  19. Rep. Mark Meadows supports smoke free legislation and has co-sponsored the bills. Our problem is that Rep. Andy Dillon and Sen. Mike Bishop accept too much money from the Michigan Licensed Beverage Association (MLBA) to get their support. MLBA actively opposes any such smoke-free bans. Go to the Secretary of State’s web-site and look up MLBA contributions to your legislators’ campains.

  20. Politics is about compromise. The House passed a smoke free bill with two exceptions( casinos — because Indian run casinos would not have to comply and cigar bars– it would put them out of business). The Senate is hiding behind the desire for a bill with no exceptions knowing it will never happen. Senate Leader Mike Bishop is against government involvement in business but this is a health issue for which businesses risk losing business if they go smoke free alone. Alcohol sales are tied to smokers. The playing field needs to be equal for all businesses. Smokers will adjust as they have done in all other states. We need to make it clear to all state legislators that until this bill passes, in upcoming elections, we willvote out incumbents who do not support this health issue starting with Mike Bishop.

  21. I called Joe Havemans office today to leave a message for him. I have talked to him several times before about a comprhensive smoke free bill. I also asked about his local coffee times & plan to meet with him face to face soon.

  22. The House bill gets us 100% smoke free air ….just stay out of casinos and cigar bars. Let’s get the Senate to pass this bill as is today rather than wait for a bill with no exceptions which will take forever to debate and may never happen. After a year of smoke free air, there will be much more support for eliminating the exceptions.

  23. I will follow up with this request to contact my State Rep…already know that he wants to ban smoking. But make no mistake, Andy and Mike are owned by big tobacco and the liquor industry.

    I agree that a bill with no exceptions will never pass, and the reason why is stated above.

  24. Have written our Congressman again. We need, as do our children and grandchildren a smoke free state

  25. I emailed a senator through the american cancer society.

  26. I have notified our State Representatives and they appear to be starting to hear our voices. I do not want to take away anyone else’s rights, I just want to protect the rights of everyone who deserves to be able to work, shop, eat, entertain or just socialize and travel around thorough a safe, smoke-free environment. It is the least we can do for each other as residents here in Michigan. No one person has the right to endanger the health of another individual. Businesses have even discovered that instead of a loss of profit, they actually tend to make additional profit since people will stay longer to enjoy the atmosphere if it is smoke-free – multiple studies have proven this to be a fact. Spread the word! Save a life or two, too!!

  27. I called my representative, Fred Miller, and asked him to please support a comprehensive smoke free bill that includes bars and restaurants. I stressed the fact that this is particularly important to me because my father (a heavy smoker most of his life) died due to cancer of the larynx. I’ve also lost 3 other family members (heavy smokers!) to lung cancer. I hate being subjected to 2nd hand smoke when I visit my favorite restaurant. Please PASS THIS LAW!

  28. I called Rep. Sheltrown today and left a message with his asistant. I have spoken with Joel personally in recent months and he is 100% supportive of making Michigan air smokefree.

  29. I have emailed my State Representative, Kevin Elsenheimer. I hope that someday soon I can live in a smokefree state! Time to do something positive for the State of Michigan!

  30. I have made the connect once again with both Representative Chuck Moss and Senator John Pappageorge. Chuck continues to resist – although he has voted in the past for the legislation with some exceptions (cigar bars, casinos). His position remains unchanged: it is the right of the owner to determine what happens in the business since the owner has put up the captial to run it – it’s not about the health issue at all in terms of the legislation. Senator Pappageorge continues along that same line, but has been willing to support the bill that has NO exemptions only. This issue continues to be held hostage by partisanship – and as long as each chamber of the legislature can BLAME the other, we’re unlikely to succeed unless some new strategy evolves. Yet, as determined as the stalwarts have been in this campaign, eventually we will have victory in the interest of preserving health of residents of our state.

  31. I emailed Rep. Mark Meadows and Sen. Gretchen Whitmer. Speaker Dillon needs to stop listening to casinos and start listening to the people!

  32. I contacted my state representative Brian Calley. He voted “Yes” on the last smokefree bill, and will only support comprehensive.

  33. Rebecca Prichard

    I called and left a message for my senator, Liz, asking for a comprehensive smokefree law. It’s embarrassing-we’re with all the southern red states!

  34. As usual the state of Michigan seems to lag behind the rest of the nation !!

    I don’t know how many studies it takes with conclusive evidence that smoking as well as second hand smoke is KILLING us !!!!

    I would hope that someday the Michigan legislature gets enough B#lls to ignore business interests and start looking out for the people that vote them into office !!!!!

  35. I have contacted my senator many times but now I am not sure whether it is doing any good. I have been asking for a smoke free law for quite a long time

  36. I emailed my Sen. Liz Brater to fight for a comprehensive smoke free bill and included a personal perspective as a musician.

    ….As a musician, I get to many clubs around Ann Arbor to either watch or play my saxophone and flute. I’m sure you can imagine the difficulty in playing or enjoying an evening of music while having to put up with dangerous fumes from these cigarettes.
    Even as a customer at restaurants or bars, it is hard to enjoy a meal or drink while having to put up with the dangers of secondhand smoke or even just the awful smell you take home with you in your hair and clothes.

    I also worry too about staff at these establishments, for some of them are my friends and put in long hours working in these toxic environments……

    Hopefully, she is listening.

  37. While the House bill is not perfect, it gets us smoke free air everywhere but the casinos and cigar bars. Mike Bishop, as the Senate majority leader, could push thru the House bill but chooses not to. He is controlled by the tabacco and liquor lobbists. We all need to remember this when he runs for Attorney General.

  38. Thanks for all the great work you do! I’m back home in Michigan four to five times a year and can’t even go to a bar. I live in both New York City and South Florida. The smoking ban here in New York hurt bar and restaurant owners for about four months. All the customers came back after that. Smoking addicts are now exiled to the streets — where they belong. In another 100 years, people will look at smoking the way we now regard such barbaric practices as blood-letting as a medical panacea.

  39. I have called and left a message for Reps as well as the senator to please vote to Make Michigan a Smoke Free state. I don’t care anything about the fuzzy dice I want to be able to go to all public places if I choose. I can go into smoke fill establishments. I wish they would listen to us.

  40. I have called and left a message for Reps as well as the senator to please vote to Make Michigan a Smoke Free state. I don’t care anything about the fuzzy dice I want to be able to go to all public places if I choose. I can not go into smoke fill establishments. I wish they would listen to us.

  41. I called Senator Randy Richardville in the Monroe Area to let him know that i would love my children to live in a smoke free Michigan!! Let’s make this happen

  42. Called and voiced my concern the my representative. The lady who answered at the Cancer Society was very thankful for all the phone calls they have been getting! Let’s keep spreading the word and let all the representatives know that majority rules and we should not be stuck as part of the unlucky 13!

  43. Contacted Senore Pappageorge left message to support comprehensive second hand smoke legislation and include bar and restaturants 10/19

  44. I called the NOW-I-CAN number and the voice mail box was full. Is that a good thing? It’s embarassing that Michigan still allows smoking in restaurants and bars. I mean, c’mon!, Ireland has banned smoking in bars!

  45. Amber Finkbeiner

    I just called in- it feels good to make sure that I am doing my part for smoke free air.
    Even if Lansing is slow to act on this issue – I won’t be.

  46. I took action today by calling my senator.. Bruce Patterson and told him its time for him to take action and pass a smokefree bill that includes bars and restaurants. I had to leave a voicemail but I asked him to call me back or email me with his answer. Lets see what he has to say!

  47. I just called Senator Liz Brater’s office and left a message voicing my disappointment at being one the “unlucky 13” states without a comprehensive smokefree law. Are fuzzy dice really the hottest issue in our state right now?

  48. I have called Senator Ray Basham Michigan and was told that he supports this legislation. I already knew that.

  49. I have sent an email to Senator Switalski regarding this bill. Praying for results.

  50. We do not have a smoke free or real non-smoking area in any restaurant in Algonac or Clay Twp. If we can not pass this bill for smoke free establishments, at least make them obey the current law and make some area smoke free.

  51. I went under the website and e-mailed all the senators that we need michigan to be smoke free and protect our citizens against the dangers of second hand smoke. There are over 35 states including Ohio, Newyork and Illinois just to name a few, why not Michigan, the time is now. It will not hurt business, do the research.

  52. I sent an e-mail to Senator Bishop, where the bill is stalled. Senator Basham, in my district, is supportive of the comprehensive bill.

  53. I have (again) contacted my Senator and even my State Representative. Had to leave voice mail at both numbers.

    Mike Bishop gives a canned response to anything that even has “smoking” in a sentence, so talking to him is a complete waste of time.

  54. I emailed a personalized letter to my rep and I will continue till something is done. After reading the above I am making an early resolution to call my senator and state Rep one a week and ask how they are working for me.

  55. We need to get together and make signs, to protest on the capital lawn. We need them to vote on this now. There is HB 4377 that was passed in the house but the senate is dragging there feet. Make Michigan smokefee now!

  56. I contacted Bishop and Dillon via email and stated that I had just returned from a trip to Rhode Island which has gone smoke free except for its casinos and there were lines at every restuarant we visited during our stay! I mentioned to them that Michigan is not attractive to tourists who live in smoke free states that value their health! We are living in the dark ages in this state and none of the drama that they think will happen if we go smoke free will come to be–I lived in California when it passed its bill and there were no problems!

  57. I called my senator, Patty Burkholz (sp?) office this morning and learned that she is in the forefront of a smoke free legislation to ban bars and restaurants from enabling smoking in their respective establishments. I have been diagnosed a year ago with emphysema and it is taking a toll! I quit smoking in early 1978, however worked as a host at Applebees in Charlottte for over a year being constantly exposed to second hand smoke while working. No doubt this aggravation over time has really pushed things forward in the context of emphysema!

  58. I have contacted my representatives. I hope they will realize how important this is to our health. People have a right to breathe clean air.

    I think this issue needs to come out in the public more, there is not enough advertising, most people are unaware that this is even in the works.

  59. Senator Cassis’s office says she is in favor of the ban, but Senator Bishop will not let the bill out of committee. They encouraged me to call Senator Bishop to move the bill to the full Senate.

  60. Elizabeth Pawlowski

    I think the next step for us who support the smokefree bill is to start BOYCOTTING business’ that do not support this effort. Let’s pass it on, BOYCOTT any business that does not support the COMPREHENSIVE SMOKEFREE BILL.

  61. Called Sen Debra Cherry and asked her to make the Comprehensive workplace law that includes bars and restaraunts a priority. Let’s protect our lungs!!!

  62. I have contacted Sen Cherry and asked her to make the comprehensive workplace law including bars and restauraunts. I have also sent this communication to friends encouraging them to call. Keep up the good work in fighting the good fight.

  63. I have written to Sen. Mike Bishop and Rep. Andy Dillon again, for about the fifth time. Both respond they have voted for a smoking ban. Bishop says he will only vote for one with no exemptions, Dillon says he votes yes for a ban without or without exemptions. As another blogger, Dan, pointed out, in nicer language, Bishop and Dillon are both whores for lobbyists. For many years the House and Senate blame each other, hide behind the supposed stalemate when it is REALLY the lobbyists who rule. The casino competition with the Indians is crap, too. All three Detroit casinos are about tw0 hours away from the nearest Indian casino. Even inconsiderate smokers are NOT going to make a four hour round trip just so they can pollute the air!

    I also wrote to my house rep and state senator. They both support a total smoking ban.

    Whew….I really feel that unless this issue goes to the ballot, hopefully with no exemptions, Michigan will never join the majority of states who protect their citizens’ health.

    Our legislature is completely useless regarding this issue. All blame someone else and nothing gets done. I’ve been writing them all for at least two years. I’ve all but given up hope.

  64. I just received this letter from my Senator and am very dissapointed… (Sorry it is kinda long but I thought some of you might appreciate this).

    Jason Allen wrote

    October 22, 2009

    Dear Kevin:

    Thank you for your letter regarding a statewide ban on smoking in workplaces. I appreciate the time you have taken to contact me.
    > In recent years, the number of smoke-free institutions has dramatically increased as the market responds to the wishes of the consumer, without government intervention, and the number continues to grow.
    > With accommodations already being made by restaurant owners to offer smoke-free environments, I do not believe it is the role of the legislature to impose a ban on smoking. As a small businessman, I feel it is inappropriate for the government to infringe on the personal property rights of a business and inflict additional restrictions on how they chose to operate their business.
    > Our nation is based on a free market economy that encourages competition. Many restaurants take advantage of a non-smoking atmosphere to attract clientele; much like other establishments chose to retain smoking sections for the same reason. As a consumer, you reserve the choice to patronize an establishment that allows for smoking or to take your business to an establishment more conducive to your needs. As public demand for smoke-free environments increases, the number of establishments that offer that type of atmosphere will increase, as we have seen dramatically happen in Michigan in recent years.
    > I am however, in favor of allowing local governments control over this issue. In previous legislative sessions, I have introduced legislation that would allow local government to give tax incentives to food establishments who ban smoking within their business.
    > Thank you again for contacting me. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if I can be of assistance.

    Best Wishes,

    Jason Allen
    State Senator
    37th District

    Dear Senator,

    while I can appreciate your opinion you have not even addressed one of the most distressing issues. Workers forced to breathe toxic fumes just to make a living. We do not permit factories to expose workers to harmful chemicals!!! Why should we allow a restaurant owner to expose their employees to harmful smoke!!

    Obviously you are a either a smoker and are flexing your political muscles with your personal opinion instead of considering your constituents health and wishes… or perhaps you have succumbed to the pressure of special interest groups, in either case, your reply is biased and does not consider the best interest of the people you work for.

    I am a FIRM believer in rights!! To me this means that everyone should have the right to do anything they want, but ONLY if their rights do not infringe upon the rights of others!! Smoking in public infringes upon my right to breathe clean air!!

    Your statement on ‘free-market economy’ and ‘competition’ is ridiculous also. Competition is achieved in the business environment, not by using a smoker’s addiction as leverage to gain revenue, and vice-versa. This is not a matter of business, it is a matter of toxins.

    I am very disappointed in your reply, it is biased, and obviously not well considered.


    Former Supporter

  65. I took action today and made a phone call and spoke to Sharon an assistant in Rep. Gilda Jacobs office and I explained to her that as a lung cancer survivor I support making Michigan a smoke free air state.
    I also explained to Sharon that I support stop smoking in resturants, bars & the casinos in Michigan and she told me that Rep. Jacobs feels the same way and that she would pass my information on to her. Now let’s call our friends and family members and have them contact their legislature to help this bill to be passed.

  66. Bottom line is that Mike and Andy are both whores for the lobbyists. This is a proven fact.

    Nothing will get done with these two.

    The issue will have to be placed on a ballot.

  67. Alexander Matta

    How do we get this issue on the ballot? I know for a fact that over 65% of Michigan residents support the comprehensive ban on smoking in all public places. The congress is slow and annoying. I wonder what they’d do if their congressional buildings were filled with smoke while they worked. They’d pass the ban in a heartbeat. They’re so out of touch. 65% is a huge number.

  68. This is such a joke! How is it possible that this has not passed in our state, who is responsible for stopping the legislation and not having a vote on it. Smoking kills people, as does second hand smoke it is a huge cause of misery and money to the people of this state. Just on this one issue I would be happy to fire, impeach or campaign against any legislator. There is not one legitimate reason for a law against smoking in all public places! I would love to have names and districts or these hapless fools that are killing the constituents of there own district and the people of this great country and state. I am all for personal rights, if you want go smoke your self to death in the privacy of your car or own home, go right to it, just pay for the health care and damage it causes your body. But to be able to sit around and kill the people around you is an atrocity! Easily one of the most disgusting selfish habits there is! Killing others for your own pleasure and stress relief! How sad and pathetic!

  69. Fact- any legislator who suggests that the free market system should determine this issue is putting up a “smoke screen” to hide their support from the tobacco and alcohol lobbists.

    Fact-there is a direct correlation between smoking and alcohol sales

    Fact-alcohol sales represent a major portion of any bar or restaurant business

    Fact-any suggestion that bars and restaurants can choose to go smoke free is both irrational and ignorant.

    Fact-this is a health issue so there is nothing to debate

    Fact-if we all agree to vote out incumbents until we have smoke free air, the message will get thru

  70. We emailed sen Gleasol and ha gave a positive replyas did Rep Hammel. But no response from Rep Gonsalez who added the cigar bar amendment. Hope we can show them our sincerity and number of votes for this.

  71. Thanks, Kevin, for letting us read Jason Allen’s letter. Clearly, he should be voted out of office. His disregard for citizens’ health and his blarney about independent business, etc., blah, blah, blah is a “smoke screen.” Unfortunately, that is not a pun, either.

    What about all the WORKERS in these places? We’re talking about health here, not choice of where to eat or drink. They work for a living, so they can get sick from carcinogens. Point: Most bars and restaurants do NOT provide health insurance to their workers, yet expose them to high levels of carcinogens. Kevin, write and point that out. I’m sure it will not sway the idiot, but it is an important point!!

  72. Pingback: Remind Your State Legislators About the Importance of Protecting Residents from Secondhand Smoke « Michigan Primary Care Association

  73. I emailed both my Rep, Joe Haveman and my Sen., Wayne Kuipers and asked them again to just do the RIGHT thing and help pass smokefree legislation that protects all of our workers.

  74. I placed my call to the American Cancer Society.Rick directed me to my represenative Jennifer Haase. Wasn’t able to talk to her direct, but did leave a message to pass the smoke free bill.

  75. It’s time Michigan is smoke-free – we can definitely benefit from it.
    Please spread the word – contact your legislators today – I did – and help make it happen!

  76. I called my representative and asked for support with regards to the Comprehensive bill. I can not believe smoking is still allowed in restaurants in this state. It’s time we got with the program – people WILL adjust.

  77. I received the same email reply from Sen. Jason Allen as Kevin did above, and am also very disappointed (although not surprised).
    I also emailed Rep. Gary McDowell. I have not heard back from him, but believe he is supportive of a smoking ban.

    Representative Gary McDowell
    Senator Jason Allen

  78. Rebecca Prichard

    My fiancee and I both just emailed Senator Liz Brater and Representative Rebekah Warren.

  79. I have emailed, written letters, and met with my representatives in the State House and State Senate for coffee. I have contacted congress-people and senators who voted against it to try to sway them with my personal story of being a non-smoking cancer survivor.
    Clearly, this is a money issue and too many of our voices are being drowned out by the sound of casino lobbyists and others who put money in front of safety and health.
    Michigan is getting less and less and progressive as a state every day this continues…

  80. I have repeatedly contacted Pappageorge and Moss; and they are both sticking with the company line. This thing will stall forever with the tactics of Big Tobacco and the Casino industry. We need to identify those on the fence and start bombarding them. Come on Judy – find us some reps to email and phone call blast.

  81. I am in fan of getting a comprehensive smokefree law, but I’m more of a fan of getting bars smokefree FAST. I don’t care if a loophole goes through for casinos and tobacco shops. Eventually, the loopholes will be closed. I feel like we are trying to take California- or Washington (state)- size steps, when maybe we should just try to get something in the right direction passed. Big tobacco has us exactly where they want us. The pay off key senators to stall and then pass a strict bill while they also pay off the Detroit democrats to demand exceptions. In the end I predict the bills will fail for yet another year. I’m sick of waiting for smoke-free bars. Please, pass something, anything, to make more bars smoke-free.

  82. I am so glad to read all of our efforts through mail, telephone calls, etc.! Maybe there is hope for a smoking ban in Michigan after all!!

    I would urge everyone to point out to their reps and senators the following: 1) This is a HEALTH issue, not a “business” issue; 2) They are to represent US, not lobbyists, not their personal beliefs. WE voted for representation! The majority of constituents want a smoking ban!!!

    I have written, called and emailed, time and time again. I have advised all that I will not ever vote for them again if they continue to ignore the representation of the voters who elected them.

    Remember, Mike Bishop wants your votes for Attorney General. This would be a disaster as he is very attentive to lobbyists and has been a major hold up to nonsmoking bills (despite bluster otherwise.) Remember that name and vote NO for Bishop. He’s now the Senate Majority Leader, and helps or stalls bills.

  83. A statewide referendum is the only thing that will work!
    Why are we being so subservient to the obstructionists?

  84. If this doesn’t make it this year, I propose we make it plain and simple with an additional attempt to make a law that states “No person shall emit, pass, or expose carcinogens in an area within 6 feet of where other persons are expected to be.” Anyone caught doing this should be charged with a homicide. My wife had an uncle pass away just a couple weeks ago at age 57 due to lung cancer. It was first diagnosed in early September.

  85. Rep. Bauer is my legislator as well, and I’m proud to support her initiative. I’m a working musician playing in bars and restaurants constantly. I understand the concern that venues could lose patrons by banning smoking, but in my town, I know that the majority of these venues will actually see an immediate increase in patronage and a lot of new faces. The number one reason I can’t get a lot of friends and family to show up at my events more often is due to the smoke. And I don’t blame them! Let’s get this done, because I’m sick of the stank!

  86. Jack A. Blosser

    I’d love to see a comprehensive smokefree bill passed TODAY. Seeing the cigarette butts littering parking lots, sidewalks and gutters is disgusting!

  87. It all comes back to Mike Bishop. he will not allow a vote on the current House legislation. we can call EVERYONE’S Rep everyday and will do no good. We need too launch at storm directed at his office ALONE so that he gets nothing but our calls. Eventually if we out enough heat on him he may just allow a vote. The Casinos will not allow the Detroit Dems to vote for a passgae without exemptions-just the facts folks-call marrion Illitch the MGM Grand people and Greektown casinos if you want to complain about thier lobbying and MONEY that keep the Detroit reps from doing the right thing. All that aside a barrage on Bishop I think is the only way to get movement on this. This campaign needs to focus on Bishop only-The one person that has made it his mission to stop this legislation. It comes down to the lobbiest who have bought him off.

  88. I wanted to let everyone know, that I got positive response from Senator Basham. He is looking at pushing HB 4377 which is a bill on smoke free legislation, he said once the budget is resolved, he will push to pass this bill by the end of the year. Please e-mail him to let him know that you support him!!!

  89. I sent a message to both John Pappageorge and Marty Knollenberg expressing my desire to see Michigan smoke free. Why our rep’s in MI don’t get this is beyond me. I’m tired of hearing about the businesses right to allow smoking as an excuse. I’m in South Carolina of all places as I am writing this and they even have smoke free restaurants and bars….for cry’n out loud they produce tobacco in this state and even their legislature understands human rights!!

    This just gives more consciousable people another reason to leave the state!! Wake up MI legislators!!

  90. I contacted Rep. Andy Neumann about smokefree air. I need to contact Senator Stamas now.

  91. I have now spoken to Rep. Sheltrown in person and on the telephone and I have also spoken to an assistant in Sen. Stabenow’s office. I have also sent follow-up email to both. Both are supporters of a comprehensive smokefree law!

    C’mon Michigan…we want smokefree air and we want it NOW!

  92. I contacted Rep. Mark Meadows office this morning. Before I even had a chance to finish my “speech,” the nice lady who answered the phone and with whom I was speaking said “yeah, Michigan is one of only 13 states without smokefree legislation.”

  93. I called Rep. Rick Jones’ office and his assistant said “Oh, there must be a campaign on this today.” I said “yes, and it’s time he took action on a comprehensive smokefree law now. We need his support to get the job done. ” I hope enough people call to render his support on this one.

  94. I just left a message for Representative Ball. I left my message regarding my concerns for a smokefree workplace and state. I really hope that everyone takes this opporturnity to contact their representative.

  95. I left a message stating how disappointed I was to find out that we are 1 of 13 states that are not Smoke Free and that we need to make this a priority.

  96. Catherine Ferrell

    I wrote to Dian Slavens and Bruce Patterson and asked them to do the right thing and vote for a ban on smoking in any workplace in Michigan. I plan to watch this issue closely and write or call weekly until Michigan joins the smokefree states.

  97. Spoke with the office of Rep. Mark Meadows – he supports smoke free legislation!

  98. I called Rep. Mark Meadows and asked that he help pass comprehensive smokefree legislation now!

  99. I just called Rep. Rick Jones! I was told I was added to a long list of supporters of smokefree air that have been calling today.

  100. I contacted Rep. Hildenbrand and he replied “Informed consumers are making healthy choices and are driving the market place to have smoke free restaurants. It is important that we work together to come up with a solution that will protect the health of Michigan residents while respecting the private property rights of our citizens.” Urgh!!!!

  101. Hello Everyone, we need to really focus on the senate, they have a bill (HB 4377) that was passed by the House. This bill will ban smoking in bars, restaurants and workplaces. I think casinos are exempt for now, but it is a start. Let’s get this bill passed in the seante, they can always amend it later. PLEASE!! I want everybody to go to and find all the e-mails for every senator and e-mail them a message that you are in favor of this bill and let’s get it passed!!

  102. Agree…we need to demand(not ask) that the Senators pass House bill 4377. This gets us 99.9% smoke free. Any response that they will only pass a bill with no exemptions is only a stall tactic to make them look good when they know it will never happen. We need to also make it clear that if they don’t pass Bill 4377 asap, we will begin voting out incumbents starting with Mike Bishop when he runs for Attorney General.

  103. I contacted my lawmakers and let them know that I am disgusted that Michigan has not passed this smoke free legislation. I let them know that as a cancer survivor (of only 7 months!) that it sickens me to know that there are people out there who have to work in these smoky environments. I just attended my high school reunion and the venue was so smoky that I came home and prayed that I didn’t suffer any residual harm from the 2nd hand smoke that I was exposed to. I had just a few hours exposure and I felt labored breathing that night. I can’t imagine what the employees who are there night after night are exposing their health too. We need to ban all smoking in public venues NOW!

  104. I e-mailed my representatives and asked them to please make Michigan smokefree. Valde Garcia is my senator and he didn’t even show up for lobby day, he sent his minions down to argue with me instead of coming himself to listen to the people who voted him in. Needless to say, I will not be voting for him again. Smokers are the minority in our state, why are we catering our whole states health to a minority?!?

  105. sent e mails to everybody that matters trying to get this passed,wont stop til we have a victory

  106. I have again contacted Senator Anderson, who co-sponsored the senate bill, to ask where or who the roadblocks to action are. I am awaiting reply.

  107. I have made personal calls to both Senator Bishop and Representative Dillon to encourage them to pass a comprehensive smokefree air bill. I will advocate for this in the state of MI until it passes. Three local bar/restaurants have recently NO SMOKING policies and the locals are very supportive of these institutions. If you are ever in Saugatuck/Douglas, MI. Please support PHIL’s Downtown, Lakeview Lanes, and The Saugatuck Brewing Company for being the first in the area to adopt a Smoke Free environment! Let’s not give up until it’s law!

  108. I don’t have a state senator at present, so I contacted my state rep — Martin Griffin (who is running for the post) — who wrote back with the following:

    Thank you for contacting me regarding a comprehensive smokefree workplace. As you may know, I supported this in committee, I voted for it when it came before the full House and I again voted for the Senate version in September, 2008.

    Unfortunately, we did not have enough votes for it to pass the House. A vote was taken to reconsider the legislation at a later date. If it should come before the House again, I intend to support it – with no exceptions or as it passed the House the first time, which included some exceptions.

    I believe in this legislation. I know it is good for the health of the people of this state, good for tourism and will put all businesses on an equal footing, which is the only fair thing to do.

  109. Voncile Brown-Miller

    We don’t always get a second chance to right a wrong. You can make the giant and brave step to make Michigan smoke-free. Every year the incidence of asthma, and other respiratory condition in adults and children go up. How can the state of Michigan fully recover if we don’t consider the health of its citizens. Please take advantage of this second chance.

  110. With the passage of the marijuann law in Michigan I would like to see added to the Child Protection act the following. A parent or guardian who exposes their child to second hand smoke or allows a minor to smoke be charged with child abuse.

  111. In the past few weeks I have called both Rep. John Walsh and Sen. Glenn Anderson, of whom I’m a constituent. Rep. Walsh’s staff was not very amenable to the idea of protecting the health of Michigan’s workers, which was very disappointing. Sen. Anderson is very much in favor of the bill that’s stuck in committee in the Republican-controlled Senate, so he’s working to help get that moved out for a vote (a much better response, in my opinion).

  112. I’ve contacted both Rep. Jim Stamas and Sen. Tony Stamas and have found them to be most cordial but unwilling to support legislation which takes away a business owner’s right to determine if they have a smoke-free restaurant or other worksetting. Our Coalition continues to provide them with studies that show business receipts improve overall after a smoke-free workplace bill is passed.

  113. Rebecca Prichard

    Here’s link to a page with ALL the senators’ email addresses!!

    You can click on the address, and it will open up in your mail, and you can just copy and paste he same message to EACH one of them. Easy! Tell them to pass HB 4377.

  114. Thanks to the ease of the ACS site, I provided the text, and the site automatically sent a message to Senator Whitmer and Rep. Barb Byrum to support a healthy, smoke-free environment for the State of Michigan. When we travel, it is so refreshing to not hear “Smoking or Non-Smoking” in a restaurant, knowing their staff and customers are healthier which increases productivity and increased business for all. Added bonus – we stay longer in the restaurant and exit without smoke-filled lungs, hair and clothes.

  115. We also need to contact the Michigan Restaurant Association at 800-968-9668 and voice our concern. They are against HB 4377 and the health of Michigan citizens. Let them know that 37 states have passed such legislation and it is time for Michigan to get on board!!!

  116. I think that we (the non-smoking majority) need to begin thinking about a Plan B. That would be getting this issue placed on the Ballot–where it can finally be decided by a democratic vote.

    The elected Senators and State Reps already know that MOST people in Michigan want HB 4377 passed. (They pay to have polls taken.)

  117. Here is the response to one of my emails to the speaker of the house, Andy Dillon, District 17.

    The Senate Majority Leader is the one who ultimately will decide if the smoking bill should ever come up for a vote. I urge you to contact him. He is Senator Mike Bishop (R-Rochester) and his number is (517) 373-2694. His address mailing address is Capitol Building, PO Box 30036, Lansing, MI 48909.

    Thank you for your correspondence. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future regarding this or any other matter.


    Andy Dillon
    Speaker of the House
    District 17

  118. We all need to bombard Senator Bishop with phone calls and e-mails to insist he bring the bill out of committee for a vote!

  119. Now that the budget for this year is done, there is no excuse not to pass smoke free legislation. Can we get a rally started on the capital lawn? Maybe on a Saturday afternoon. We can make signs of support. I e-mailed Senator Bishop again and told him to get moving on HB 4377. 37 states now have smoke free legislation in place.

  120. Rebecca Prichard

    Here;s what this idiot said.
    Dear Rebecca,
    I agree that the health consequences of smoking are well-documented. Personally I do not smoke, however I respect the right of another American to do so if they wish. These small personal freedoms are part of what makes our country beautiful and worth fighting for.

    While I also understand the appeal of banning smoking in restaurants, I possess a fundamental respect for business and restaurant owners alike. As full owners of their property, I do not feel the state should ban smoking in their building anymore than in your own home. That being said, I support a business’s right to ban smoking if it so chooses.

    As a particularly health-conscious individual, I tend to prefer restaurants and other businesses which prohibit smoking. I encourage you to communicate your sentiments to your local businesses as well. I believe our difference of opinion relates to how this change should be accomplished.

    Thank you for your letter. I applaud your efforts in contacting me and expressing your views on this issue. While we may not agree on this particular issue, I do respect your opinion and the manner in which you have conveyed your position.


    Kevin A. Elsenheimer

  121. I tried to find my Rep & Sen on Facebook but with no luck. Have already phoned and emailed them both and they are both supportive of Smokefree MI. Think I may get in touch with Sen Bishop and see why he’s stalling…
    We want Smokefree Air and we want it NOW!

  122. I contacted Representative Deb Kennedy via her web site a few weeks back. She responded with a letter (which I thought was a little weird, an e-mail would have been cheaper and greener).

    Anyway, she supports a smokefree bill, but unfortunately not a comprehensive one. In addition, I tried to locate her on Facebook, but no luck. Keep the suggestions coming.

  123. I have contacted Senator Bishop’s office Monday and again today, inquiring about the status of the smokefree bills in committee. I am still waiting for a return call.

    You can contact his office @ 517-373-2417. We should bombard him with calls until we get some action.

  124. hey there… smoke free MICHIGAN sounds great to me.. we want it… yes yes yes yes

  125. I sent an email to my Rep. Leisa Liss pleading with her to do whatever she can. It infuriates me that money from the casinos and the Bar and Restaruant Owners Association can speak so loudly!! I have spoken with Senator Dennis Olshove numerous times and have also pleaded with him. I hate to think that, in order to get a bill passed, we have to turn our backs on Casino workers. It makes me sick to see pregnant workers in the Detroit casinos exposing their unborn children to second hand smoke!! How embarassing is it to be told by people from North Carolina (The Tobacco Capitol) that they will soon be No Smoking!!??

  126. Well, I found my Reps Facebook page. Sent him a msg thanking him for supporting smokefree legislation. Also found Mike Bishop’s Facebook page and sent him a msg letting him know that yet another MI resident wants to breath clean air!

  127. I spoke with senator Bishop’s office today. HB 4377 is in Government Ops and Reform Committee, which senator Bishop chairs. Now that the budget process is over, there might be activity on this bill. This bill has exemptions for casinos and others, but it would be a start. You can monitor this committee’s activity at You can also contact senator Bishop’s office at (517) 373-2417 to encourage action on this bill before it expires at the end of the legislative session. Senator Bishop’s stance is to let businesses move to smoke free by choice and marketplace pressure and is not in favor of legislation. Contact him to express your voice on this issue!

  128. Everyone please remember to make it clear to your house rep or state senator that they are PAID to represent US, the constituents, not to vote what they “think is best.” This is especially pertinent regarding those like Rep. Kevin A. Elsenheimer, who replied to Rebecca Prichard. Yes, he is an idiot and I certainly hope NO ONE will ever vote for him again. He obviously thinks in his arrogance that his misinformed opinion is what is best for all, and he is NOT representing those who he is supposed to. They are called “representatives” for a reason–and it is not to force their own beliefs instead of ours.

  129. Emailed Sen. Richardville….again.

    Making plans to meet some friends from northern Ohio this weekend. We’re meeting in Toledo, to ensure a pleasant dinner experience for all of us. And we’ve already made plans to travel to Florida for the holidays. Their smoke-free restaurants will be a great relief compared to Michigan. Do Michigan legislators even realize the money that is lost to our economy by not having a ban in place?

  130. done. got several friends to do it also. and i posted it on facebook.

  131. I have sent an email to my representatives letting them know my feelings regarding Michigan being a smokefree state. I told them that I want everything smoke free in Michigan. This includes workplaces, restaurants, bars, bingo halls, etc.

  132. Another idiot response:

    While I personally do not smoke, I believe our current law has adequate protection for non-smokers. By law, restaurants are required to designate a percentage of their seating as non-smoking. They must also ensure non-smokers are seated in close proximity to one another and are prohibited from discriminating against non-smokers in seating locations. State law also mandates restaurants adhere to stringent ventilation requirements when they entertain both non-smokers and smokers.

    The free market provides the best barometer of support for smoke-free establishments. If people stop patronizing establishments which allow smoking, businesses will change their policies to attract new customers. State mandates burden businesses and discourage them from locating in Michigan. Therefore, I believe that any non-smoking designation must remain with the owner of the restaurant, bar, or other workplace. Currently, owners can elect to designate their entire establishment as “smoke free,” if they choose. Most often, employers will designate specific separate areas where smokers can go to avoid disturbing non-smoking employees. I feel these are decisions business owners and their employees should make without state interference. In fact, I am finding that more and more restaurants are eliminating smoking sections because there customers asked them to. I am hopeful more will do the same.

    Regarding your last question about political contributions, you may visit the Secretary of State’s website to gather that information. Political contributions must be recorded and made public for review.

    Thank you again for contacting me. If you have any further questions regarding this or any other facet of state government, please do not hesitate to contact me again.

    State Senator
    District 22

  133. I finally quit 4 years ago after 30+ years of smoking. It took me getting sick, terrible dust storm when I went to visit in Arizona, then to Florida into heavy pollen and returned to Michigan to be suffocated by the tree pollen what a spring that was. I couldn’t smoke even 1 of the 10 smokes I was down to, so, after being on perscriptions for 3 weeks, down and out, I never smoked again. Can’t stand the smell of smoke even from wood, vehicles that smell.
    I thank all restaurants when they go no smoking. I ask ones that haven’t banned smoking yet to keep trying, and tell them where we will be going out to eat, if they don’t. If Florida and Hawaii can ban smoking in bars and restaurants and all public establishments and even 20′ beyond the outer walls, including hotel garages and carports. Sometimes, I miss enjoying a smoke but the thought of how stinky I can’t do it. I have appologized to everyone I offended when I lit up, I was a courteous smoker, but smoke is smoke and it always travels to those who don’t smoke. I also, try to encourage a few of our friends to keep trying to quit.

  134. I finally quit 4 years ago after 30+ years of smoking. It took getting sick, being on perscriptions for 3 weeks, down and out, I never smoked again. Can’t stand the smell of smoke even from wood, vehicles that smell.
    I thank all restaurants when they go no smoking. I ask ones that haven’t banned smoking yet to keep trying, and tell them where we will be going out to eat, if they don’t. If Florida and Hawaii can ban smoking in bars and restaurants and all public establishments and even 20′ beyond the outer walls, including hotel garages and carports. Sometimes, I miss enjoying a smoke but the thought of how stinky I can’t do it. I have appologized to everyone I offended when I lit up, I was a courteous smoker, but smoke is smoke and it always travels to those who don’t smoke. I also, try to encourage a few of our friends to keep trying to quit.

  135. I’ve made calls, sent an e-mail and encouraged others to do the same


    I have Pulmonary Fibrosis (scarring of my lungs) and wish I could go into a restaurant which had no smoking. I am working very hard to convince our legislators to pass the No smoking bill so that I could enjoy myself in Michigan as well as in other states that have passed a ban on smoking in their restaurants.

  137. I have called and emailed my senator and representative numerous times and will continue until this squeaky wheel gets greased! My senator has been brave enough to support the bill in the past when others in her party will not. My representative continues to ignore the wishes of the people who elected him and opposes it.

  138. I sent the email message to Sen. Pappageorge. He has actually been very supportive & positive to all the messages I’ve sent in the past year. Rep. Knollenberg, while supportive now, was not when I first contacted him.

  139. I sent emails to senator cropsey and representive huckebee. When will they support us instead of them?

  140. With the passage of the marijuana law the following should have been included in the Child Protection Act. Any parent or guardian who exposes their minor child to second hand smoke or allows the minor child to smoke be charged with child abuse . I wish I could get a court order to BAN smoking in my home. My wife has been abusing me for years and refiuses to acknowledge the hazards of smoking and second hand smoke

  141. I have contacted Jim Stamas’ office and he is not willing to vote yes on the smokefree bill. He believes business owners should make that decision on their own. We need more people to call him. He needs to see this is a serious concern!

  142. I email and write letters on a regular basis to my Senator, representatives. I have also written a few letters to Michael Bishop and Andy Dillon. I have challenged them to call me and debate the issue of secondhand smoke. I have called smoke free restaurants and ask why they went smoke free and have incorporated that information to the letters I sent. I have contacted many organizations like the Allergy and Asthma Institute for find out the ill effects of second and third hand smoke. I try to relay fact bassed medical evidence in my letters.
    When I go into a restaurant that is smoke free (the one restaurants I go in) I complement them to let them know they have done the right thing.
    I will continue to fight the fight!!!
    Thank you

  143. I received the following reply from Senator Anderson:

    Thank you for your latest correspondence regarding the difficulties in passing the smoking ban bill. I appreciate your concerns and acknowledge that the current situation is extremely frustrating.

    As I have communicated in previous correspondence, I am in full support of legislation to ban smoking, co-sponsored Sen. Basham’s legislation and have voted in the past for a full ban. Also, as I have also previously mentioned, the Democrats are not in the majority in the Senate, and are not able to control the agenda. The Republicans hold a 21 – 16 majority in the Michigan Senate. Therefore, we are not able to force a hearing or vote on either Senator Basham’s bill or the House Bill on the floor as long as the committee chairman and the Majority Leader are opposed. Unfortunately in this case, the they are the same person, Majority Leader Mike Bishop (R-Rochester). He continues to be the one holding up this important legislation.

  144. Now is the time to gather all of us together and march on the state capital lawn urging the Senate to pass HB 4377!! No matter how many calls or e-mails we do, it will not help unless Mike Bishop agrees to put the bill out on the seante floor for a vote!! We all should call his office and e-mail him.

  145. I just received this response from senator Bishop. We need to continue to contact him with pressure to bring the bill out for a vote:

    Dear Mr. Arsenault:

    Thank you for contacting me directly regarding banning smoking in public places. I appreciate your time in writing as well as your willingness to participate in the democratic process.

    The most recent versions of a ban on smoking in public places were introduced in the form of Senate Bills 79 and 114. Upon introduction, both bills were referred to the Government Operations and Reform Committee. Additionally, legislation has also been introduced in the state House of Representatives.

    House Bill 4437, which seeks to ban smoking in the workplace and food-service establishments, passed the House on May 26th. In the House-passed version of this bill, gaming floors of casinos, cigar bars and tobacco specialty shops were exempted. This legislation has been referred to the Senate Committee on Government Operations and Reform where it currently awaits consideration.

    The Senate did pass a complete ban on smoking in public places in May of 2008. When my colleagues passed this legislation, they did so as a complete ban on smoking, without exception, creating a level playing field for business and putting wellbeing and public health above special interests.

    This legislation was referred to a conference committee on December 10, 2008. I can assure you that the conferees did work tirelessly to reach a consensus on the legislation, but in the end, could not come to a final agreement. As this discussion continues, I will be sure to keep your thoughts on hand.

    Businesses across the state and nation are independently reacting to market pressures. In a difficult economy and a competitive business environment, the number of non-smoking business establishments has grown dramatically in recent years and it has done so as business owners recognize the opportunity to capitalize on those citizens who prefer smoke-free environments.

    Again, thank you for contacting my office. Please do not hesitate to call upon me again with future questions or concerns relating to this or any other matter. In the meantime, my continuing best regards.


    Michael D. Bishop
    Majority Leader
    State Senator, 12th District

    You can contact senator Bishop at
    or by phone @ (517) 373-2417

  146. I had guests in from Florida this past week and we went out to eat- they were all disgusted by the fack that Michigan is still not Smokefree. I was also embarrassed to have to say that Michigan is still not Smokefree – I have been doing everything I can do- My Reps want a SmokeFree MI so I have even turned to sending emails to others who do not.

  147. I emailed my Senator, Wayne Kuipers, telling him we need a comprehensive smoke-free air bill and have not yet received a response from his office.

  148. I’ve contacted Senator Kahn (R) and Representative Coulouris (D) and both support the ban. Kahn wants to see a bill from both houses that has no exemptions.

  149. I have again made a call and sent an email. Both my Rep and Senator are supportive, the problem is the hold-up getting it to the Senate floor…so I have been posting Facebook messages to Senator Bishop regularly telling him I appreciate his taking the time to address the issue to make our state smokefree.

  150. Senator Patty Birkholz just wrote me telling me she has co-sponsored bills 79 and 114 which would prohibit smoking in all food service establishments. She further stated that there was a second set of bills drafted that proposes to ban smoking in all workplaces including food service establishments and that she would keep me in her thoughts should any legislation reach the full senate. What a bunch of fluff. She blames Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop(how did leader end up in his title?) for not moving forward until the state budget proceedings are finalized. It sounds to me like they have these watered down bills in place and that’s the best we can hope for. Or worse yet that these differing bills would be bounced back and forth between the two sides until we all give up or die. Rep. Genetski informed me it’s out of his hands since it’s stalled in the Senate but he too has expressed to me in the past he thought individual businesses should decide the smoking issue, not state government. It’s time we focus on making sure none of these elected officials ever represent us again in any elected capacity and Mike Bishop who clearly cannot multi task or is being bought off by the MLBA and big tobacco companies should lead the line of out of work state officials. What prohibits a comprohensive workplace ban on smoking from being added as a ballot proposal at the general election . It would pass by a large margin and we could vote the dummies out of the equation at the same time. We could show them how easy it is to multi task inportant, life saving issues.

  151. The only way Michigan will ever have a smoking ban, of any kind, is the issue being on the ballot. Our legislature is USELESS, playing the blame game between the House and Senate.

    We need to do the following: Do NOT vote for any incumbent that supports smoking; Do NOT vote for Mike Bishop in ANY capacity and last, and most important, get this issue on the ballot for US to decide.

    I will do anything I can to help this issue go to ballot. Any ideas?

  152. I have written letters in the past to our local Rep. Jeff Mayes and Sen. Jim Barcia and to Sen. Mike Bishop and Rep. Andy Dillon. In the past couple of weeks I e-mailed them all urging them to get some activity going again on the smoking ban…apparently it is now in the Senate’s Committee On Govt. Operations & Reform…how long will it sit there w/no activity? Perhaps the ballot is the only answer?

  153. There are only 6 sessions left this year and I am getting nervous. HB 4377 (smoke free legislation)was passed in the house and sent to the senate on 6/2/09. No activity and it has been 6 months now. This should be unacceptable. I don’t want to be one of the unlucky 13 states to still allow second hand smoke to filter through restaurants and workplaces!! (Judy Stewart, what can we do?) I e-mailed Mike Bishop and he doubts anything will happen this year, This stinks!! Lets protest on the capital lawn before it is too late this year.

  154. Of course Mike says he “doubts anything will happen this year…” HE won’t let it. Meanwhile, the casinos and lobbyists hold sway over reps and senators, NOT the public. This issue needs to go to ballot. This is the fourth/fifth year in a row our legislature has PREVENTED any type of smoking ban.

    Also, the casinos, without any FACTUAL studies to back them up, claim they will lose millions of dollars plus jobs if smoking is banned. No FACTS, just (wrong) assumptions.

    Nothing is ever mentioned about how many MORE would frequent bars, casinos and restaurants if smoking were banned everywhere. People would NOT stop going, they would just have to step outside… workers would not have their health ruined, patrons could be healthy on their nights out. Without “competition” smoking allowed (A ban!) business would not suffer—they’d all benefit.

    But…this is all healthy and logic. The lobbyists, casinos and our legislature want money, not healthy workers or citizens.

    Ballot, ballot, ballot….and no incumbents.

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